Pick-pocket change
and a trail of dust ––
licked clean; huffed deep;
a rolled-up tenner in hand ––
She tells you she had to put the
dog down.He was screaming. No one
listened. Father asked what was
for dinner ––
Only rum from the wine
bottle and tequila from the hat!
Where is your body; there is your body;
bring it here! –– Revolt! ––
A ballad from a woman dressed all in
white. Belting out love songs to thwart her
misery –– in the street –– one
earring down.
Two bodies on
the side of the road.
'They are sleeping,' you lie.
Grab the bag. Then you run.
Ten fingers fall down
to an Alighieri Heirloom –– it
is sacred, but you do not remember why;
yet the drunkards cherish the mystery.
Kong was a prophet. Gojira ––
a bomb. But you haven't the sobriety
to make your case. Instead, you watch ––
at peace; a rarity –– as
She whispers =
You are beautiful.
As She whispers =
Do not kill it.